Endodontist in Mississauga

Dental Services

Endodontist Near You

Endodontists specialize in tooth pulp (or tooth root) care. Their main treatment or procedure is the root canal, but they generally don’t perform the procedure unless it is a difficult or complicated case. Routine root canals are performed by general dentists, including our talented team of dentists at Square One Dental. However, in special circumstances, we can help ensure you have access to specialized care.

Dentist vs. Endodontist

Both dentists and endodontists are fully trained to perform root canals. An endodontist steps in when a root canal case is complex or difficult. Endodontists have specialized training in root treatments and use surgical microscopes and x-rays to diagnose extensive tooth pulp problems caused by inflammation, infection, or injury. If you need an endodontist, we’ll refer you to our trusted partner.

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endodontist in Mississauga giving dental service to patient

When Does an Endodontist Get Involved?

Endodontists are called in when a tooth has suffered trauma affecting the roots or when a root canal case is problematic. Endodontists also treat injured teeth, such as when a tooth gets pushed into the gum or is partially or fully pulled out of the socket. The endodontist determines how to stabilize the tooth and allow for healing.

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